Monday, July 04, 2011
Initial Inquiry Call from Attorney
When a new attorney calls me and tells me general information about a case he has, I listen politely, I take notes to protect myself, and then I offer to send the attorney a copy of my CV, my Rule 26 disclosure, and a standard copy of my retainer agreement. Since the attorney calling always wants to know what my rates are, I simply tell them I will forward the retainer agreement, and all costs are fully disclosed. I then email all the documents to the "new" attorney.
My retainer agreement not only lists the fees and scope of my work, but I also have a clause (in bold) that expressly forbids the attorney from disclosing me as an expert witness if the attorney has not retained me. This happened many times in my early career, and that is why I put it into my retainer agreement. The clause also states I will take action against the attorney if I am listed without being retained. This clause has stopped attorneys from listing me as expert without retaining me. In addition, I have proof that I sent them the retainer agreement, thus I know my clause has been read. [editor's note: see other experts' experiences on being designated without permission in this past discussion.]
I never, never offer an opinion of a case based on information given to me by the attorney. On the initial call, when asked my charges, and if I think I can help them, I simply reply that I cannot determine the cost until I have seen the documentation, and that I do not know what my final opinion will be until I have reviewed all documents and have performed my analysis. I do tell them I've done this for many years and I work quickly. By seeing my Rule 26, they can view the types of cases I have testified, and who the hiring attorney was. That lends to credibility.
Over the years, I have found the really smart, professional attorneys will not try to solicit an opinion from an expert unless the expert has done their own investigation. And since my retainer agreement loooks just like an attorney's retainer agreement, a good attorney will respect that the expert will not work for free. I have found that the more professional I am, the more I am respected. I know that is a hard act to balance when you are new and trying to drum up business, but it is imperative, in my opinion, to start out highly professional, with stated fees and conditions prior to offering an opinion and to stay that way throughout your career. There will always be attorneys out there that are trying to get something for nothing. That is not the type of attorney you want to work with anyway.
Wise words from a seasoned expert.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Expert Witness Income - Nobody's Business
(Hat tip to Toby Edwards at Round Table Group)
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Tips for Testifying
Don't get rushed. Get into the pattern of "Question - Pause - Answer." By ensuring that you pause after each question (regardless of the question's difficulty) you'll avoid getting pushed into rapidly answering the defense attorney's questions.
Talk to individual jurors, not "the jury." Make eye contact with individuals. Think "conversation," not "soliloquy."
Remember that you're always on stage. Maintain a serious composure before and after you testify. The jurors might see you as you drive into the courthouse, in the hallways as you wait to testify, or after you've finished testifying.
If you make a mistake, correct it immediately. You've heard that "it's not the crime, it's the coverup." Jurors will forgive you for making a mistake -- they won't forgive you for covering it up.
Don't look to [your attorney-client] for answers. [He/she] can't help, and it looks like you can't take care of yourself.
Don't be a jerk. Unfortunately, it needs to be said. You can have all the brains in the world, but if you're a jerk, the jurors won't want to listen to you.