Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Grievances Against Attorneys

Our discussions about experts getting paid for their work and expert witnesses being designated without their permission (or retention) prompted some expert consultants to throw their hands up about the lack of a regulating body that these attorneys could be reported to.

Their may be a glimmer of hope on the horizon for at least some experts. The New York Law Journal , in an article by Mark Hamblett, reports that the 2nd Circuit has formed a committee that "will accept referrals from the court on 'any accusation or evidence of misconduct' that occurs before the court and violates the rules of professional conduct or responsibility.'"

It remains to be seen whether this committee will only evaluate acts against clients or whether experts will be able to plead their case to the presiding judge for him or her to submit to the committee. But it's a start in the right direction.

My hope is that it leads to similar initiatives from the American Bar Association.

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