July is the month when several expert witness print directories are published. My sister-in-law, Lisa, frequently checks our clients' listings and ads in both online and print directories and publications, and sent me some thoughts about the errors and omissions she frequently finds.
She suggests you check your online listings on a periodic basis (your information could have changed and need to be updated, or the computer gremlins could have attacked!), and examine your listings and/or ads in the print directories and publications as soon as they are published. If an error occurred on the part of the publication, you might be able to get all or part of your money back or negotiate for an extended run (with corrections of course).
Lisa recommends that you check for completeness (she often finds suite numbers missing), accuracy, and logic - did you include as many ways as possible for a prospect to reach you? If you have a website, did you include the address? Is your area of expertise clearly stated (in the terms an attorney would use to find you)?
If the publication lists experts by categories, are you listed in the categories you specified? Are you, heaven forbid, listed in any that you shouldn't be?
This is the time to check. I cringe when experts lose out on potential business due to minor typos and similar mistakes.
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