If you could speak frankly with your attorney clients or prospects, what would you ask them? In the next few weeks I will be interviewing several attorneys about their thoughts, experiences, advice, etc., regarding expert witnesses and consultants. What would you ask? Please leave me your suggestions in the comments (you can post anonymously).
When searching via the internet for experts, do you use legal industry search engines or Google/Yahoo/MSN, etc.?
Are there ethical guidelines or professional standards which attorneys must observe that set forth a proper code of conduct for zealous client advocacy? If so, where can they be found, and do they allow for ignoring true facts that are contrary to a client's objective?
How do most attorneys find an expert witness to call?
How do they decide after the initial phone call whether they will use that particular expert?
Two experts have very similar credentials however one charges twice as much as the other per hour. Which expert would you use?
Do you prefer experts to charge a flat rate for consulting and deposition/court time or different rates?
What steps can be taken to determine whether an attorney has disclosed an expert witness without his/her knowledge [and without paying a retainer]
What is the single most preferred method by which attorneys find expert witnesses?
If an expert has planned around pending court dates to have a total hip replacement, what if any obligation does the expert have to appear in court if the trial date gets postponed to the pre-planned hospitalization of the expert?
How can an expert be assured of being paid for work that is either asked for by the attorney, or is agreed to by the attorney. Too ften I've found attorneys ask for work, even the initial review of documents, and then object to being billed or simply refuse to pay. I've even run into a situation in which the attorney, following my work and input, refused not only to pay, but would not respond to phone calls or emails.
Would the universal health care plan proposed by Obama result in a reduction in personal injury cases because insurance would cover medical costs and potential claimants would feel less need to file suit?
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