Rosalie offers this tip to experts about advertising or listing in directories:
In most directories, both print and Internet, you have a limited number of indexes to select. One of the services we perform for our consulting clients is to edit and rewrite if necessary their directory listings, check their index selections for greatest effectiveness, and expand their keyword list when that feature is available.
One situation I see when doing this is that sometimes the expert has used some of his/her limited number of indexes in selecting useless terms such as "expert witness," "litigation support," "standard of care," and "policy and procedures." If you are listed in an expert witness directory, you are an expert witness (regardless of the fact that you consult a lot more than you 'witness'), engage in litigation support, and opine about the standard of care and/or policy and procedures in your profession/industry.
An attorney client prospect is not going to search that directory for that term, as that is a "given." He/she is going to search under the terms applicable to your field or discipline. Don't waste your indexes. And when you see these inane indexes, ask the directory to delete them. I do. I used to manage directories so my opinion has some weight with most of them, but yours does too -- you're a paying customer!
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