Monday, December 12, 2005

Advertising by Experts & Getting Paid

As business slows down at this time of the year, I have been taking care of end-of-the-year housekeeping. In reviewing inquiries and conversations with clients in 2005, I discovered two dominant themes. The two most frequently asked questions were, "How do I make sure I get paid?" and "What are the most effective places to list or advertise - where do attorneys look for experts?"

The answer to the first question is addressed in Rosalie's book and was also discussed in great detail and commented upon by many of our readers at the beginning of the year, which was so popular we compiled the debate and comments so that others could read it as well. Because it is still such a topic of concern, however, I am looking into other resources to suggest for the coming year.

The second question is one that is so specific to the individual expert that it would be impossible, impractical and ineffective to attempt to give a blanket answer. The expert's field of expertise, types of cases and attorneys one works with, geographic area and scope - these and many other factors must be evaluated. The conclusions of this analysis must then be applied to extensive knowledge of the various print and online directories, referral services, publications and so forth to determine the appropriate and most effective choices for that particular expert. I haven't yet come up with a way to answer this one without the advice becoming so general as to be meaningless.

Enough analyzing for one day - I smell cream cheese cookies : )


Anonymous said...

Re getting paid:

Can anyone suggest a good, basic billing software for a solo expert whose bills are mostly a simple accounting of hours and expenses?

I would be thankful for any suggestions.

--Lee Cranberg, M.D. (Neurologist)

Unknown said...

I suggest you take a look at QuickBooks Pro or M.Y.O.B.

I am a solo practitioner and I use M.Y.O.B. It has everything I need and more. And a consulting company I work with uses QuickBooks Pro and they are very happy with it. Both programs probably offer more than you need as a solo expert; although I think QuickBooks Pro may be a bit easier to get started with than M.Y.O.B. QuickBooks is also highly supported online.

Good luck.